Thursday, October 19, 2006

I had a good four days. Monday, it started out humid and hot in the early a.m. I crossed paths with Leslie and turned around to run with her for a while. Managed 8.5 in the rain. Tuesday was 7 in the neighborhood - Tough and not too fast. Wednesday, the track was packed. I weaved my way through the crowds for 1600 in 5:31 and 2x800 in 2:38 and 2:41. Back to Barton for 4x900 in 3:27, 3:21, 3:15 and 3:22. Thursday, Jim Cleary caught me on the trail and we kept each other honest at a 6:30 mile pace. I don't plan on running much before Sunday's 10-miler. So far it's 164 miles in 19 days. It should be a record month.


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