Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tomorrow is the IBM 10k. I just decided to run today. I couldn't decide whether to do my long run Saturday or race. The problem is that NY is now 5 weeks away and I don't really have the mileage base. On the other hand, I don't have my race legs either. So, I figure I'll race, take 20 minutes to recover and then run back. That way, I'll get in 18 and close to 50 for the week. It's supposed to be warm, maybe 70, so I need to take it easy. But not too easy. I feel like I need to get under 38 so that I can gain some confidence. I just haven't been running well lately, so I'm expecting to get hammered. My training week wasn't too bad. Tuesday was 1600's (solo) 5:47, 5:43, 5:41, 2:48. On Friday, I did some easy 400's - 76, 77, 78, 76, 76, 76. Weds and Thurs, mostly junk miles. Lance Armstrong was on the cover of Runner's World. Experts are guessing he does a 2:55. I can do that.


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