Sunday, October 22, 2006

Girl Scout 10-miler - Chilly wind, traffic jam, odd parking, delayed start. Ran in pack with Weaver, Atkinson, Patrick Hall, Cleary and Jesse. Really good race for me - 1:00:23 chip. Floyd beat Gunderson to take Masters. I feel good about NY. Snacked all day. I need to stay focused for another two weeks.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I had a good four days. Monday, it started out humid and hot in the early a.m. I crossed paths with Leslie and turned around to run with her for a while. Managed 8.5 in the rain. Tuesday was 7 in the neighborhood - Tough and not too fast. Wednesday, the track was packed. I weaved my way through the crowds for 1600 in 5:31 and 2x800 in 2:38 and 2:41. Back to Barton for 4x900 in 3:27, 3:21, 3:15 and 3:22. Thursday, Jim Cleary caught me on the trail and we kept each other honest at a 6:30 mile pace. I don't plan on running much before Sunday's 10-miler. So far it's 164 miles in 19 days. It should be a record month.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

22.6 miles with Greg, Mike and Roger. Last 2 miles were at 6:15 pace. Felt good. Could have run another 3 or 4. The cooler weather helped. Trying to decide if I should do anything tomorrow - 67 so far for the week.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Intervals at AHS. Another huge group of runners spread all over the track. Ran 3200 in 11:34, 2x800 in 2:40, 2:41 and 4x400 in 74 avg. Dodged runners all the way. Felt smooth. Total of 10 miles. On track for 65.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Didn't run on Sunday although it was tough to stop short of 47 miles for the week. Also tough to miss a run with Kami, Rob Mroski, Leslie, Tom, and John Rab. More ice. On Monday I got up painfully early and ran 8, then decided to run another 8 1/2 ...much faster. 16 1/2 total - Felt good. Ankle's still tender.

I got stuck in Dallas on Monday night, so no morning run, but I ran 5.3 Tuesday afternoon. It was cooler, but I was too creaky to run any better than a 7 1/2 minute mile pace. I'm gonna try and run every day this week.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

My Saturday morning plan to run 21 was dashed pretty quick. David, Bryan and I ran up the steps to the top of Mt. Bonnell. Since it was dark and since I'm so clumsy, I stepped off a rock ledge and sprained my ankle. Hurt like hell. Once I'd figured there wasn't a break, I ran another 8 miles slow. Probably a mistake, but I needed the miles. Barton felt good. Iced for an hour while eating breakfast. The shower hurt like crazy. I've iced it all day and it feels much better. I'm hoping to wake up and redo my long run tomorrow. I'm supposed to meet Kami and Tom Williamson, Margo and Al and John Rabushka for 7 to 10. I'm either going to run zero or 14 depending on whether it's still swollen in the morning.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Took it easy and ran a 38:07 at the IBM 10k. Felt great. What didn't feel great was the run back to Barton Creek Mall. Somewhere alone the line, it got warm ...and I was already dehydrated. After downing two quarts of PowerAde and a Slim Fast shake, I weighted 145.5. I've been eating ever since. 17 miles total today and 49.6 for the week. Okay. OK.