Monday, May 15, 2006

New goal. I’d like to beat Lance Armstrong in the 2006 NY Marathon. This is a floating ill-defined goal since I have no idea what he’s capable of running. My guess is that he can probably do something south of 2:30, which is about 15 minutes faster than me on my best day. On the other hand, if he treats it like a training run I might be able to make it respectable. So I now have at least that goal to start with. On Saturday, I got up at 6:30, but by the time I’d finished two cups of coffee and the newspaper, it was closer to 7:30 and mighty hot and humid. My plan was to run 3.5 miles to St Gabriel’s school in Barton Creek and then run two miles on the track at a 5:50 pace. I managed the first mile in 5:50, but slowed up on lap 5 and decided to make it a 2000. I added a 800 at 2:48 and a quarter at 77 before running back home. Eventually, I’ve got to get in shape to run this at goal pace. Right now, I can’t. I forgot to take my fish liver oil, glucosamine chondrotin and flax seed oil supplements during the day, but took a handful of pills before going to bed to catch up. My diet isn’t going well at all. Part of the reason is that I eat like a 13-year old kid when I’m with my 13-year old kid.

On Sunday, I agreed to run with Floyd and Woo. Floyd was doing 15 miles. I figured I was good for about half of that but needed to get home by 8:00 so I could drop my daughter Amanda off at my ex-wife’s house so that they could go to Mother’s Day church service together. It was another humid morning and I ran a sluggish 7.2 miles at maybe a 7:30 pace. Both those guys are in better shape than me. Very discouraging. I’m hoping it doesn’t matter since it’s only May. I can’t decide if the glucosamine chrondrotin is doing me any good yet. It’s supposed to take two months to work and I’m only 15 days in so far. I need quicker results! I’ve started to add carrots to my smoothies.

In addition to the “Beat Lance” race goal, my more realistic training goals are:
1) Jog to San Gabriel School and run a 3200 at 11:20
2) 30 x 400’s at 80 average pace
3) Sub-18 5k training run on the track


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